Media Coverage
CauseTech Crowdsourcing Startup Ideas For Burundi Renewable Energy

12 June, 2015 - CauseTech, a new private sector initiative aimed at crowdsourcing breakthrough ideas, products and emerging technologies to support the work of UNICEF, has launched its first contest, looking for renewable energy solutions for Burundi, the most energy-poor country in the world. The first CauseTech contest is an initiative of the Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) Council and the Business Performance Innovation (BPI) Network. Contests aim to promote social entrepreneurship and aggregate the world’s best and brightest startups, innovators, technologists, and entrepreneurs in a global open innovation ecosystem.Read more»
UNICEF Wants to Use Silicon Valley's Brain to Solve Humanitarian Issues

18 May, 2015 - The United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) wants to tap Silicon Valley's penchant for finding clever solutions to difficult problems in order to face challenges as complex as bringing health services to developing countries. “It’s a platform where we hope that can happen,” said Dr. Sharad Sapra director of the UNICEF Global Innovation Center, which has R&D labs in 10 countries. “In this day and age, you need to have something online for large-scale collaboration. It can mean change in the hundreds and millions.” Read more»
UNICEF Taps Mobile-Enabled Crowdsourcing To Tackle Global Problems

18 May 2015 - UNICEF is tapping the wisdom of the crowd via mobile phone to help bring food security, renewable energy and other resources to impoverished children in 190 nations, pointing to mobile’s ability to drive valuable input in global public service. The “Succeed Where There’s a Need” initiative, which also involves the Chief Marketing Officer council, aims to gather input from from a swath of the public that includes professionals, technologists, product developers and researchers to tackle global problems. Read more»
16 June 2015 -
Challenge to Advance Drug Abuse and Addiction Research»
15 June 2015 -
CauseTech launches Burundi Renewable Energy Challenge»
10 June 2015 -
UNICEF, Silicon Valley join hands to help developing world»
20 May 2015 -
UNICEF launches Open Innovation Portal»
19 May 2015 -
UNICEF Launches Open Innovation Portal(ideaCONNECTION)»
19 May 2015 -
UNICEF Launches Open Innovation Portal »
18 May 2015 -
CMO Council Launches »
18 May 2015 -
CMO Council Launches »