UNICEF Innovation
UNICEF Innovation is dedicated to working with diverse partners and stakeholders to leverage and scale technologies that can make a difference in the lives of millions of underserved populations across the globe.
Pregnancy related deaths have dropped some 34% globally since 2000, but still remain far too common. Some 2.8 million pregnant women and newborns die every year, mostly of preventable or treatable causes. Approximately 95% of these deaths occur in low and middle income countries. Early pregnancy detection can save countless lives by enabling timely antenatal care.
Discover Pregnancy Aptamer »
Despite incredible developments and technological advances across the globe, there are still many populations that are remote and deprived. For successful development, we must tap into the ideas from the people that are facing these challenges every day. But the youth that want to be a part of society and development are disconnected from the information that could empower them.
Discover the U-Report Solution»
Millions of people die every day from diseases that could have been prevented. Diseases like HIV, Ebola, and Malaria are killing millions of people in developing countries every year. Often, despite the work to develop and distribute vaccines and medicines, the lack of transparency, accountability, and monitoring means unnecessary stock-outs and a lack of immunization coverage.
Discover the mTrac Solution»
Today, 121 million children worldwide do not receive an education. More than 72 million children of primary education age are not in school and 759 million adults are illiterate. The lack of resources, including teachers, books, and track indicators, mean that schoolchildren are not receiving the education they need to become empowered members of society.
Discover the EduTrac Solution»
Millions of people die every day from diseases that could have been prevented. Diseases like HIV, Ebola, and Malaria are killing millions of people in developing countries every year. There are incredible numbers of health workers, government authorities, and other key stakeholders that are working to address this problem, but often are unable to connect or engage in real-time.
Discover the mHero Solution»
Today, 121 million children worldwide do not receive an education. More than 72 million children of primary education age are not in school and 759 million adults are illiterate. The lack of resources, including teachers, books, and track indicators, mean that schoolchildren are not receiving the education they need to become empowered members of society.
Discover the pi4l Solution»